Department of Energy Reports for April 1984
- RCED-84-52 - Information on the Department of Energy's Budgets for Enforcing Its Petroleum Allocation and Pricing Regulations and Its Process for Distributing Oil Company Overcharge Refunds (1984-04-11)
- RCED-84-12 - Additional Improvements Needed in Logistics Support for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (1984-04-13)
- RCED-84-148 - Status of Strategic Petroleum Reserve Activities as of March 31, 1984 (1984-04-13)
- RCED-84-51 - Improvements Needed in the DOE Petroleum Pricing and Allocation Compliance Program (1984-04-18)
- RCED-84-156 - Information on DOE's Costing and Pricing of Uranium Enrichment Services (1984-04-25)