Department of Energy Reports for May 1985
- RCED-85-97 - Federal and State Methanol Fuel Projects, Coordination, and State Tax Incentives (1985-05-03)
- RCED-85-115 - Analysis of Oil Withdrawal and Distribution Tests for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (1985-05-08)
- RCED-85-6 - Selectively Reducing Offshore Royalty Rates in the Gulf of Mexico Could Increase Oil Production and Federal Government Revenue (1985-05-10)
- 126993 - Impact of U.S. Synthetic Fuel Corporation's Proposed Financial Assistance to the Great Plains Coal Gasification Project (1985-05-22)
- RCED-85-92 - Status of the Great Plains Coal Gasification Project--December 31, 1984 (1985-05-28)
- RCED-85-131 - Update on Nine Hydropower Relicensing Cases at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (1985-05-28)