Department of Energy Reports for July 1986
- RCED-86-190FS - Synthetic Fuels (1986-07-03)
Status of the Great Plains Coal Gasification Project - HRD-86-107FS - Needs-Based Programs (1986-07-09)
Eligibility and Benefit Factors - RCED-86-205 - Oil Reserve (1986-07-25)
Status of Strategic Petroleum Reserve Activities as of June 30, 1986 - 130493 - Demilitarization of the Chemical Munitions Stockpile (1986-07-25)
- RCED-86-143 - Nuclear Waste (1986-07-29)
Impact of Savannah River Plant's Radioactive Waste Management Practices - RCED-86-200FS - Nuclear Waste (1986-07-30)
Issues Concerning DOE's Postponement of Second Repository Siting Activities - 130597 - GAO Work on Nuclear Waste Issue (1986-07-31)