Federal Electric Power
A Five-Year Status Report on the Pacific Northwest Power Act Gao ID: RCED-87-6 February 19, 1987GAO reviewed the Pacific Northwest region's compliance with the Northwest Power Act in developing and implementing its electric power plans and fish and wildlife programs and its progress in achieving public involvement in decisionmaking activities.
GAO found that: (1) although the Northwest Power Planning Council established and developed a regional power plan which gives priority to the development of energy conservation resources, the Bonneville Power Administration and other regional entities have not fully met implementation expectations; (2) clear delineation of regional power planning between the Council and Bonneville needs resolution; (3) the current surplus power supply has delayed the need for regional utilities to acquire future power supplies; (4) the Council's program has had a positive effect in protecting and enhancing the region's fish and wildlife resources, but the Council will require more time to assess its impact because it has not completed full life-cycle reviews on some fish species; and (5) since the act's passage, regional power planning and fish and wildlife programs have shown progress in improving public involvement activities.