Nuclear Health And Safety
Summary of Problem Areas Within the DOE Nuclear Complex Gao ID: RCED-88-130 March 28, 1988Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reported on major environmental and safety problems at the Department of Energy's (DOE) Hanford Power Station.
GAO found that DOE has not adequately resolved several previously identified, major problems at the Hanford Power Station, including: (1) incomplete or unapproved safety reviews; (2) inadequate transuranic waste disposal; (3) groundwater contamination; (4) noncompliance with the Clean Water Act of 1977, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980; (5) an ineffective groundwater monitoring system; and (6) deteriorating facility conditions. GAO believes that DOE needs: (1) independent oversight of its nuclear activities; and (2) well-conceived, comprehensive plans to address its present problems and future needs.