Department of Energy Reports for February 1989
- RCED-89-2 - Nuclear Waste (1989-02-02)
DOE's Method for Assigning Defense Waste Disposal Costs Complies With NWPA - NSIAD-89-42 - International Energy Agency (1989-02-06)
Effectiveness of Members' Oil Stocks and Demand Restraint Measures - RCED-89-66 - Nuclear Waste (1989-02-06)
Termination of Activities at Two Sites Proceeding in an Orderly Manner - T-RCED-89-6 - Dealing With Enormous Problems in the Nuclear Weapons Complex (1989-02-08)
- RCED-89-21 - Energy Management (1989-02-09)
DOE Should Improve Its Controls Over Work for Other Federal Agencies - T-RCED-89-9 - GAO's Views on Modernizing and Cleaning Up DOE's Nuclear Weapons Complex (1989-02-21)
- T-RCED-89-10 - Modernizing and Cleaning Up DOE's Nuclear Weapons Complex (1989-02-22)
- T-RCED-89-11 - Enormous Modernization and Cleanup Problems in the Nuclear Weapons Complex (1989-02-23)
- T-RCED-89-12 - Environmental Problems at the Department of Energy's Nuclear Weapons Complex (1989-02-24)
- RCED-89-87 - Nuclear Waste (1989-02-27)
Quarterly Report as of December 31, 1988