Nuclear R&D
Usefulness of Information From Shippingport Decommissioning for Rancho Seco Gao ID: RCED-90-171 June 7, 1990Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO provided information related to the Department of Energy's (DOE) decommissioning of the Shippingport, Pennsylvania, nuclear power plant and the usefulness of this information to the decommissioning of the Rancho Seco, California, nuclear power plant.
GAO found that DOE reported that: (1) a nuclear power plant could be decommissioned within the established costs and time frames; (2) equipment and technology exist to decommission a nuclear power plant; and (3) strict management attention to planning can lead to reduced occupational exposures and efficient removal of radioactively contaminated components. GAO believes that DOE needs to: (1) wait for results from international research and other activities before deciding to participate in the decommissioning of Rancho Seco; (2) consider decommissioning Rancho Seco through a contractor that performs work in connection with commercial or government nuclear activities; and (3) weigh the costs of conducting research at Rancho Seco against the long-term benefits.