Department of Energy Reports for April 1991
- RCED-91-80 - Technology Transfer (1991-04-03)
Federal Agencies' Patent Licensing Activities - T-RCED-91-33 - Comments on Proposed Legislation to Restructure DOE's Uranium Enrichment Program (1991-04-10)
- T-RCED-91-23 - Uranium Enrichment (1991-04-10)
GAO's Views on DOE's New Laser Enrichment Technology--AVLIS - T-RCED-91-27 - Managing the Environmental Cleanup of DOE's Nuclear Weapons Complex (1991-04-11)
- RCED-91-116 - Federal Research (1991-04-15)
Status of DOE's Superconducting Super Collider - RCED-91-103 - Nuclear Health and Safety (1991-04-15)
More Attention to Health and Safety Needed at Pantex - T-RCED-91-38 - Nuclear Waste (1991-04-16)
Issues Affecting Land Withdrawal of DOE's Waste Isolation Pilot Project - T-RCED-91-36 - Balanced Approach and Improved R&D Management Needed to Achieve Energy Efficiency Objectives (1991-04-17)
- GGD-91-48 - Peer Review (1991-04-17)
Compliance With the Privacy Act and Federal Advisory Committee Act - T-RCED-91-37 - Nuclear Waste (1991-04-18)
DOE Expenditures on The Yucca Mountain Project - T-RCED-91-40 - Nuclear Weapons Complex (1991-04-18)
Reconfiguring DOE's Weapons Complex - RCED-91-118 - Nuclear Waste (1991-04-23)
Problems and Delays With Characterizing Hanford's Single-Shell Tank Waste - T-RCED-91-24 - Nuclear Health and Safety (1991-04-25)
Environmental, Health and Safety Practices at Naval Reactors Facilities - T-RCED-91-44 - Progress Made Implementing the Alternative Motor Fuels Act of 1988 (1991-04-25)