Department of Energy Reports for January 1992
- RCED-92-52 - Electricity Supply (1992-01-07)
Potential Effects of Amending the Public Utility Holding Company Act - RCED-92-61 - Nuclear Waste (1992-01-10)
Slow Progress Developing Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities - RCED-92-64FS - Nuclear Health and Safety (1992-01-13)
Radiation Events at DOE's Idaho National Engineering Laboratory - RCED-92-65FS - Nuclear Waste (1992-01-14)
DOE Assistance in Funding Route Improvements to Waste Isolation Plant - RCED-92-26 - Nuclear Waste (1992-01-14)
Weak DOE Contract Management Invited TRUPACT-II Setbacks - T-OGC-92-1 - Natural Gas Regulation (1992-01-16)
Ex Parte Communications During FERC's Iroquois Pipeline Proceeding - NSIAD-92-93 - International Energy Agency (1992-01-21)
Response to the Oil Supply Disruption Caused by the Persian Gulf Crisis