Managing DOE
Government Property Worth Millions of Dollars Is Missing Gao ID: T-RCED-94-309 September 19, 1994GAO's work on property management at Energy Department (DOE) facilities has led to several conclusions. First, a substantial amount of DOE property is missing, probably more than the $74 million identified in GAO's April 1994 report on 20 major DOE contractors, including the contractor at Rocky Flats. Second, many weaknesses plague DOE contractors' property management systems, including inadequate property-tracking data bases and a lack of physical protection of DOE's property from theft. Third, DOE has not provided enough oversight of the contractors' property management. For example, many contractors do not have approved property management systems. GAO recognizes that DOE is taking steps to strengthen property management. Although GAO believes that these changes may help, it will take the Department many years of continual management attention to adequately address all of the complex property management problems it faces.