Department of Energy Reports for August 1996
- T-RCED-96-225 - Energy Research (1996-08-01)
Recovery of Federal Investment in Technology Development Projects - GGD-96-142 - Statistical Agencies (1996-08-01)
A Comparison of the U.S. and Canadian Statistical Systems - RCED-96-213R - Hanford Waste Privatization (1996-08-02)
- RCED-96-208R - DOE's Three Restricted Reserves of Unobligated Funds (1996-08-08)
- RCED-96-203 - Federal Research (1996-08-16)
Changes in Electricity-Related R&D Funding - RCED-96-206R - Natural Resource Damages at DOE (1996-08-16)
- GGD-96-97R - Privatization of OPM's Investigations Service (1996-08-22)
- RCED-96-226 - Northwest Power Planning Council (1996-08-30)
Greater Public Oversight of Business Operations Would Enhance Accountability