DOE Security
Information on Foreign Visitors to the Weapons Laboratories Gao ID: T-RCED-96-260 September 26, 1996The number of foreign visitors to the Energy Department's (DOE) nuclear weapons laboratory is on the rise. From January 1993 to June 1996, an average of nearly 6,000 foreigners visited the laboratories each year. This is a 55-percent increase over visitor levels during 1986 and 1987. This upward trend continues, and the number of visitors from "sensitive" countries--those characterized by national security, terrorism, regional instability, or nuclear proliferation concerns--has also increased. Finally, the requirements for allowing foreign visitors into the laboratories have changed. Among other things, DOE headquarters has delegated to the laboratories greater authority to approve foreign visitors to nonsensitive areas than was the case in 1988. Also, requirements for background checks have changed. In 1988, all visitors from communist countries required background checks regardless of the purpose of the visit. At some laboratories today, background checks are required only for visitors from sensitive countries--which include most of the countries designated as communist in 1988--who will be visiting secure areas or discussing sensitive subjects.