Department of Energy Reports for August 2000
- RCED-00-271 - National Ignition Facility (2000-08-08)
Management and Oversight Failures Caused Major Cost Overruns and Schedule Delays - RCED-00-141 - National Ignition Facility (2000-08-08)
Management and Oversight Failures Caused Major Cost Overruns and Schedule Delays - OGC-00-54 - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (2000-08-11)
Well Category Determinations - T-RCED-00-273 - Fire Management (2000-08-14)
Lessons Learned From the Cerro Grande (Los Alamos) Fire and Actions Needed to Reduce Fire Risks - T-RCED-00-257 - Fire Management (2000-08-14)
Lessons Learned From the Cerro Grande (Los Alamos) Fire - RCED-00-194 - Automobile Fuel Economy (2000-08-15)
Potential Effects of Increasing the Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards - RCED-00-268R - Government Performance and Results Act (2000-08-25)
Information on Science Issues in the Department of Energy's Accountability Report for Fiscal Year 1999 and Performance Plans for Fiscal Years 2000 and 2001