Department of Energy Reports for July 2003
- GAO-03-918R - Bonneville Power Administration (2003-07-01)
Long-Term Fiscal Challenges - GAO-03-514 - Freshwater Supply (2003-07-09)
States' View of How Federal Agencies Could Help Them Meet the Challenges of Expected Shortages - GAO-03-834SP - Effects of Federal Activities on State Water Availability, Management, and Use (2003-07-09)
- GAO-03-932T - Contract Reform (2003-07-10)
DOE's Policies and Practices in Competing Research Laboratory Contracts - GAO-03-426 - Spent Nuclear Fuel (2003-07-15)
Options Exist to Further Enhance Security - GAO-03-930T - Nuclear Waste (2003-07-17)
Challenges and Savings Opportunities in DOE's High-Level Waste Cleanup Program - GAO-03-583 - Nuclear Weapons (2003-07-28)
Opportunities Exist to Improve the Budgeting, Cost Accounting, and Management Associated with the Stockpile Life Extension Program