Department of Energy Reports for July 2005
- GAO-05-597R - Financial Audit (2005-07-14)
The Department of Energy's Fiscal Year 2004 Management Representation Letter on Its Financial Statements - GAO-05-611 - Nuclear Security (2005-07-15)
DOE's Office of the Under Secretary for Energy, Science, and Environment Needs to Take Prompt, Coordinated Action to Meet the New Design Basis Threat - GAO-05-665 - Securing U.S. Nuclear Materials (2005-07-20)
DOE Needs to Take Action to Safely Consolidate Plutonium - GAO-05-762 - Federal Student Loan Repayment Program (2005-07-22)
OPM Could Build on Its Efforts to Help Agencies Administer the Program and Measure Results - GAO-05-934T - Nuclear Security (2005-07-26)
Actions Needed by DOE to Improve Security of Weapons-Grade Nuclear Material at Its Energy, Science and Environment Sites - GAO-05-764 - Nuclear Waste (2005-07-29)
Better Performance Reporting Needed to Assess DOE's Ability to Achieve the Goals of the Accelerated Cleanup Program