Hydrogen Fuel Initiative

DOE Has Made Important Progress and Involved Stakeholders but Needs to Update What It Expects to Achieve by Its 2015 Target Gao ID: GAO-08-305 January 11, 2008

The United States consumes more than 20 million barrels of oil each day, two-thirds of which is imported, leaving the nation vulnerable to rising prices. Oil combustion produces emissions linked to health problems and global warming. In January 2003, the administration announced a 5-year, $1.2 billion Hydrogen Fuel Initiative to perform research, development, and demonstration (R&D) for developing hydrogen fuel cells for use as a substitute for gasoline engines. Led by the Department of Energy (DOE), the initiative's goal is to develop the technologies by 2015 that will enable U.S. industry to make hydrogen-powered cars available to consumers by 2020. GAO examined the extent to which DOE has (1) made progress in meeting the initiative's targets, (2) worked with industry to set and meet targets, and (3) worked with other federal agencies to develop and demonstrate hydrogen technologies. GAO reviewed DOE's hydrogen R&D plans, attended DOE's annual review of each R&D project, and interviewed DOE managers, industry executives, and independent experts.

DOE's hydrogen program has made important progress in all R&D areas, including both fundamental and applied science. Specifically, DOE has reduced the cost of producing hydrogen from natural gas, an important source of hydrogen through the next 20 years; developed a sophisticated model to identify and optimize major elements of a projected hydrogen delivery infrastructure; increased by 50 percent the storage capacity of hydrogen, a key element for increasing the driving range of vehicles; and reduced the cost and improved the durability of fuel cells. However, some of the most difficult technical challenges lie ahead, including finding a technology that can store enough hydrogen on board a vehicle to achieve a 300-mile driving range, reducing the cost of delivering hydrogen to consumers, and further reducing the cost and improving the durability of fuel cells. The difficulty of overcoming these technical challenges, as well as hydrogen R&D budget constraints, has led DOE to push back some of its interim target dates. However, DOE has not updated its 2006 Hydrogen Posture Plan's overall assessment of what the department reasonably expects to achieve by its technology readiness date in 2015 and how this may differ from previous posture plans. In addition, deploying the support infrastructure needed to commercialize hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles across the nation will require an investment of tens of billions of dollars over several decades after 2015. DOE has effectively involved industry in designing and reviewing its hydrogen R&D program and has worked to align its priorities with those of industry. Industry continues to review R&D progress through DOE's annual peer review of each project, technical teams co-chaired by DOE and industry, and R&D workshops. Industry representatives are satisfied with DOE's efforts, stating that DOE generally has managed its hydrogen R&D resources well. However, the industry representatives noted that DOE's emphasis on vehicle fuel cell technologies has left little funding for stationary or portable technologies that potentially could be commercialized before vehicles. In response, DOE recently increased its funding for stationary and portable R&D. DOE has worked effectively with hydrogen R&D managers and scientists in other federal agencies, but it is too early to evaluate collaboration among senior officials at the policy level. Agency managers are generally satisfied with the efforts of several interagency working groups to coordinate activities and facilitate scientific exchanges. At the policy level, in August 2007, DOE convened the inaugural meeting of an interagency task force, composed primarily of deputy assistant secretaries and program directors. The task force is developing plans to demonstrate and promote hydrogen technologies.


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GAO-08-305, Hydrogen Fuel Initiative: DOE Has Made Important Progress and Involved Stakeholders but Needs to Update What It Expects to Achieve by Its 2015 Target This is the accessible text file for GAO report number GAO-08-305 entitled 'Hydrogen Fuel Initiative: DOE Has Made Important Progress and Involved Stakeholders but Needs to Update What It Expects to Achieve by Its 2015 Target' which was released on February 11, 2008. This text file was formatted by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to be accessible to users with visual impairments, as part of a longer term project to improve GAO products' accessibility. Every attempt has been made to maintain the structural and data integrity of the original printed product. Accessibility features, such as text descriptions of tables, consecutively numbered footnotes placed at the end of the file, and the text of agency comment letters, are provided but may not exactly duplicate the presentation or format of the printed version. The portable document format (PDF) file is an exact electronic replica of the printed version. We welcome your feedback. Please E-mail your comments regarding the contents or accessibility features of this document to Webmaster@gao.gov. This is a work of the U.S. government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. It may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety without further permission from GAO. Because this work may contain copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately. Report to Congressional Requesters: United States Government Accountability Office: GAO: January 2008: Hydrogen Fuel Initiative: DOE Has Made Important Progress and Involved Stakeholders but Needs to Update What It Expects to Achieve by Its 2015 Target: Hydrogen Fuel Initiative: GAO-08-305: GAO Highlights: Highlights of GAO-08-305, a report to congressional requesters. Why GAO Did This Study: The United States consumes more than 20 million barrels of oil each day, two-thirds of which is imported, leaving the nation vulnerable to rising prices. Oil combustion produces emissions linked to health problems and global warming. In January 2003, the administration announced a 5-year, $1.2 billion Hydrogen Fuel Initiative to perform research, development, and demonstration (R&D) for developing hydrogen fuel cells for use as a substitute for gasoline engines. Led by the Department of Energy (DOE), the initiative‘s goal is to develop the technologies by 2015 that will enable U.S. industry to make hydrogen- powered cars available to consumers by 2020. GAO examined the extent to which DOE has (1) made progress in meeting the initiative‘s targets, (2) worked with industry to set and meet targets, and (3) worked with other federal agencies to develop and demonstrate hydrogen technologies. GAO reviewed DOE‘s hydrogen R&D plans, attended DOE‘s annual review of each R&D project, and interviewed DOE managers, industry executives, and independent experts. What GAO Found: DOE‘s hydrogen program has made important progress in all R&D areas, including both fundamental and applied science. Specifically, DOE has reduced the cost of producing hydrogen from natural gas, an important source of hydrogen through the next 20 years; developed a sophisticated model to identify and optimize major elements of a projected hydrogen delivery infrastructure; increased by 50 percent the storage capacity of hydrogen, a key element for increasing the driving range of vehicles; and reduced the cost and improved the durability of fuel cells. However, some of the most difficult technical challenges lie ahead, including finding a technology that can store enough hydrogen on board a vehicle to achieve a 300-mile driving range, reducing the cost of delivering hydrogen to consumers, and further reducing the cost and improving the durability of fuel cells. The difficulty of overcoming these technical challenges, as well as hydrogen R&D budget constraints, has led DOE to push back some of its interim target dates. However, DOE has not updated its 2006 Hydrogen Posture Plan‘s overall assessment of what the department reasonably expects to achieve by its technology readiness date in 2015 and how this may differ from previous posture plans. In addition, deploying the support infrastructure needed to commercialize hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles across the nation will require an investment of tens of billions of dollars over several decades after 2015. DOE has effectively involved industry in designing and reviewing its hydrogen R&D program and has worked to align its priorities with those of industry. Industry continues to review R&D progress through DOE‘s annual peer review of each project, technical teams co-chaired by DOE and industry, and R&D workshops. Industry representatives are satisfied with DOE‘s efforts, stating that DOE generally has managed its hydrogen R&D resources well. However, the industry representatives noted that DOE‘s emphasis on vehicle fuel cell technologies has left little funding for stationary or portable technologies that potentially could be commercialized before vehicles. In response, DOE recently increased its funding for stationary and portable R&D. DOE has worked effectively with hydrogen R&D managers and scientists in other federal agencies, but it is too early to evaluate collaboration among senior officials at the policy level. Agency managers are generally satisfied with the efforts of several interagency working groups to coordinate activities and facilitate scientific exchanges. At the policy level, in August 2007, DOE convened the inaugural meeting of an interagency task force, composed primarily of deputy assistant secretaries and program directors. The task force is developing plans to demonstrate and promote hydrogen technologies. What GAO Recommends: GAO recommends that DOE update its Hydrogen Posture Plan‘s assessment of what can reasonably be achieved by 2015 and how this may differ from its prior posture plans. In commenting on a draft of the report, DOE agreed with the recommendation, stating that it will update its posture plan during 2008. To view the full product, including the scope and methodology, click on [hyperlink, http://www.GAO-08-305]. For more information, contact Mark Gaffigan at (202) 512-3841 or gaffiganm@gao.gov. [End of section] Contents: Letter: Results in Brief: Background: The Hydrogen Fuel Initiative Has Made Important Progress but Will Require Significant Scientific Advances and Continued R&D beyond 2015 and Investment in Developing the Physical Infrastructure: DOE Has Partnered Well with Industry on Vehicle Technologies, but Efforts to Develop Stationary and Portable Technologies Are Too New to Evaluate: DOE Has Effectively Coordinated with Other Federal Agencies at the Working Level, but Efforts at the Policy Level Have Just Begun: Conclusions: Recommendation: Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: Appendix I: Scope and Methodology: Appendix II: Comments from the Department of Energy: Appendix III: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: Tables: Table 1: Fuel Cell Types and Examples of Their Applications: Table 2: Status of Key Hydrogen Fuel Initiative Technologies and Target Dates: Table 3: Funding for the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative, Fiscal Years 2004 through 2008: Figures: Figure 1: U.S. Refineries' Oil Prices, 1968 to 2007: Figure 2: Schematic of a Typical Fuel Cell: Abbreviations: DOD: Department of Defense: DOE: Department of Energy: DOT: Department of Transportation: HTAC: Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technical Advisory Committee: IWG: Interagency Working Group on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: IPHE: International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy: NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration: NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology: R&D: research, development, and demonstration: USCAR: U.S. Council for Automotive Research: United States Government Accountability Office: Washington, DC 20548: January 11, 2008: The Honorable Bart Gordon: Chairman: Committee on Science and Technology: House of Representatives: The Honorable Nick Lampson: Chairman: The Honorable Bob Inglis: Ranking Member: Subcommittee on Energy and Environment: Committee on Science and Technology: House of Representatives: The Honorable Michael M. Honda: House of Representatives: The United States uses more than 20 million barrels of oil each day, roughly two-thirds of which is imported. Disruptions in supply from natural disasters such as hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and political instability in some oil-producing regions have caused prolonged price spikes, at times quadrupling the price of oil. In recent years, reduced domestic production and increased world consumption have contributed to recent records for the price of oil. In 2004, when oil cost refiners about $41 a barrel, the nation spent about $6 billion a week for its oil when adjusted for inflation; by October 2007, oil cost refiners about $80 per barrel and the nation spent more than $11 billion a week. Oil prices are likely to climb even higher as global oil production peaks, which many studies estimate could occur within the next 35 years. Moreover, the nation's transportation sector is 97 percent dependent on oil-derived products that, when burned in conventional internal combustion engines, produce harmful emissions that raise health problems and global warming concerns. To reduce the nation's dependence on foreign oil and to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, President Bush in January 2003 announced the initial phase of a 5-year, $1.2 billion Hydrogen Fuel Initiative to conduct research, development, and demonstration (R&D) for developing hydrogen-powered fuel cells as an alternative to the internal combustion engine in vehicles. Hydrogen fuel cells emit only water and heat as byproducts--an important factor for limiting carbon emissions. The Hydrogen Fuel Initiative, primarily led by the Department of Energy (DOE), set a target date of 2020 for making hydrogen vehicles commercially available to consumers to achieve its goal of allowing a child born in 2003 to be able to drive a hydrogen vehicle as his or her first car. Since the 1970s, the federal government has conducted R&D on hydrogen and fuel cells, which operate similarly to a battery to produce electricity. Hydrogen, like electricity, carries energy in a usable form from one place to another. Moreover, hydrogen can be stored and efficiently converted to energy when needed, making it ideal to power fuel cells to generate energy. In addition to potential use in vehicles, hydrogen fuel cells can be used in stationary applications, such as replacing diesel generators used to provide emergency power in hospitals, and portable applications, such as replacing batteries used in electric wheelchairs and laptop computers. However, while hydrogen is the most plentiful element in the universe, it is not found in its gaseous state on earth because it is lighter than air and rises in the atmosphere. Instead, hydrogen must be extracted from such common compounds as fossil fuels, biomass, and water, a process that requires energy. To develop the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative, DOE met with stakeholders, including industry executives and university scientists, in a series of meetings and workshops. DOE determined that hydrogen fuel cell technologies must be ready by 2015 to enable industry to begin commercialization by 2020. DOE issued its first Hydrogen Posture Plan in February 2004 and updated it in December 2006. The plan established priorities for hydrogen R&D areas and set interim and final targets, focused on developing hydrogen-powered fuel cells that match the performance of gasoline-powered vehicles in terms of driving range, durability, and cost. DOE began to implement the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative in fiscal year 2004. DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, which conducts most of the initiative's R&D work, oversees the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative through the hydrogen program manager. The initiative's R&D is coordinated with other renewable energy programs; DOE's Offices of Fossil Energy, Nuclear Energy, and Science; and the Department of Transportation (DOT), which conducts R&D in such areas as vehicle-related safety codes and standards and medium- and heavy-duty vehicle demonstrations. Title VIII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 extended the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative beyond the President's initial 5-year program by authorizing R&D funding through 2020 and directing DOE to conduct R&D to develop, among other things, the necessary supporting infrastructure, including pipelines and fueling stations. The act also directed DOE to work with industry and established the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technical Advisory Committee (HTAC)--which includes representatives of industry, academia, professional societies, government agencies, financial organizations, and environmental groups--to review and make recommendations to the Secretary of Energy on DOE's implementation of its hydrogen R&D programs and activities; the safety, economical, and environmental consequences of technologies; and DOE's long-term R&D plans. In addition, the act directed the President to establish the Interagency Task Force, chaired by the Secretary of Energy, to coordinate federal agencies' hydrogen and fuel cell R&D efforts and promote hydrogen technologies. The task force is to include representatives from, at a minimum, DOT, the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Commerce, the Department of State, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Environmental Protection Agency, and the White House's Office of Science and Technology Policy. Subsequently, in November 2006, HTAC recommended that the Interagency Task Force include assistant secretary-level officials with policy-setting authority from each participating agency. DOE--with input from industry, university, and federal agency stakeholders--identified the following four major technical challenges that must be overcome before hydrogen technologies can be deployed on a large scale: * Production. Current production R&D efforts focus on economically extracting hydrogen from other compounds using fossil, renewable, and nuclear energy. For example, DOE established 2015 as the target date for extracting hydrogen from natural gas at a cost equivalent of $2 to $3 per gallon of gasoline. * Storage. Storing hydrogen requires it to be either compressed under very high pressure as a gas or super-cooled to obtain a liquid; however, these technologies consume significant amounts of energy and are currently too costly. Current hydrogen storage R&D efforts focus on developing less energy-intensive and less expensive methods of storing hydrogen. For example, DOE established 2015 as the target date for developing a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle that can travel at least 300 miles using only the hydrogen stored onboard. * Delivery. Current truck delivery technologies cannot compete with gasoline technologies because of the cost of compressing or liquefying hydrogen. Although delivery by pipeline is more economical, hydrogen causes pipelines to become brittle, raising safety concerns. Current R&D efforts focus on, among other things, reducing the cost of delivering hydrogen by truck and pipeline, and developing new composite materials for safer delivery by pipeline, targeting a point-to-point delivery cost of less than $1 per gallon of gasoline equivalent. * Fuel Cell Cost and Durability. The type of hydrogen fuel cell considered the most promising for vehicles currently has cost and durability limitations. Specifically, current fuel cell systems (1) cost about $8,000 to produce at high volume, compared to $2,000 to $3,000 to produce a conventional internal combustion engine and (2) operate for less than half the life span of a conventional internal combustion engine. Current hydrogen fuel cell R&D efforts focus on reducing the cost and increasing the durability of fuel cells. For example, DOE set a target date of 2015 to develop a fuel cell with a life span of about 5,000 hours--or about 150,000 miles--making it competitive with internal combustion engines. Industry representatives have noted that they are spending far more for hydrogen R&D than the federal government's Hydrogen Fuel Initiative. Specifically, while actual R&D figures are proprietary, Chrysler LLC, Ford Motor Company, and General Motors Corporation each has reported spending at least as much as the federal government on R&D for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and each plans to spend $6 to $10 billion from 2006 through 2015. Furthermore, DOE is analyzing infrastructure requirements for deploying hydrogen fuel cell technologies, including hydrogen production facilities and pipelines to deliver hydrogen to major metropolitan markets. To facilitate this effort, DOE is working with DOT, industry groups, and international organizations to develop national and international safety codes and standards, such as fire codes for stationary fuel cells and standards for hydrogen fueling stations. DOE is also validating hydrogen technologies in real-world environments by, for example, collecting information on the performance of 77 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles used as a demonstration in several cities for commuting and other daily driving needs. To stimulate public awareness and acceptance of hydrogen technologies, DOE is disseminating safety- related information for emergency personnel as well as nontechnical information for the general public on hydrogen production, storage, and delivery; fuel cells; and near-term markets. You asked that we assess DOE's Hydrogen Fuel Initiative as DOE enters the last year of its initial 5-year, $1.2 billion program. Specifically, you asked that we examine the extent to which DOE's hydrogen R&D program has (1) made progress in meeting the initiative's R&D targets, (2) worked with industry to set and meet R&D targets, and (3) worked with other federal agencies to develop and demonstrate hydrogen technologies. To ensure that we obtained a thorough understanding of DOE's hydrogen R&D program, we reviewed documents and interviewed DOE program managers and national laboratory scientists, company and industry association executives, independent experts, and state government officials. More specifically, to assess DOE's progress in meeting its R&D targets, we (1) reviewed DOE's Hydrogen Posture Plans and R&D project reports; (2) attended DOE's annual review of its projects in May 2007; (3) interviewed DOE hydrogen program managers and scientists at DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory; (4) spoke with HTAC members and attended HTAC meetings; (5) interviewed industry representatives and reviewed industry assessments of DOE's progress in developing and demonstrating vehicle, stationary, and portable technologies; and (6) reviewed reports of the National Academies of Science and Engineering on the hydrogen program and spoke with cognizant officials. To determine the extent to which DOE has worked with industry to set and meet R&D targets, we reviewed pertinent documents and assessed DOE's processes for soliciting industry input, including attending a meeting of the fuel cell technical team at Los Alamos National Laboratory. We also interviewed cognizant DOE managers and scientists and executives of car manufacturers, energy companies, utilities, hydrogen producers, fuel cell manufacturers, and suppliers of hydrogen-related components. To determine the extent to which DOE has worked with other federal agencies to develop and demonstrate hydrogen technologies, we reviewed pertinent documents and spoke with officials at DOE, DOT, DOD, the Department of Commerce, NASA, and the U.S. Postal Service. We also attended the Interagency Task Force's first meeting in August 2007. We conducted our work from March through December 2007 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards. Appendix I provides additional information about our scope and methodology. Results in Brief: DOE's hydrogen R&D program has made important progress, but some of the most difficult technical challenges--those that require significant scientific advances--lie ahead, and many years of hydrogen R&D and infrastructure development beyond the 2015 target date will be needed before hydrogen can compete with current technologies. Specifically, DOE has reduced the cost of producing hydrogen from natural gas--an important source of hydrogen through the next 20 years; increased the storage capacity of hydrogen by 50 percent--a key element for increasing the driving range of vehicles; developed a sophisticated model to identify and optimize major elements of a projected hydrogen delivery infrastructure, and reduced the cost and improved the durability of fuel cells. However, DOE and industry officials stated that meeting some longer-term targets will require major scientific advances. For example, current fuel cell technology relies on platinum to separate electrons from protons to generate electricity. Because of the high cost of platinum, DOE's targets for reducing fuel cell costs include reducing the amount of platinum in fuel cells by more than 80 percent from its 2005 levels or finding a substitute. Some industry representatives noted that DOE's target dates were very ambitious, given the technical challenges and budget constraints. Relatedly, nearly 25 percent of the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative's funding for fiscal years 2004 through 2006 was spent on congressionally directed projects that were largely outside the initiative's R&D scope. In response, DOE has pushed back target dates for certain key technologies--the target date for using wind energy to produce hydrogen was pushed back from 2015 to 2017--and reduced funding for stationary and portable applications. Although DOE has pushed back interim target dates, it has not updated its 2006 Hydrogen Posture Plan's overall assessment of what the department reasonably expects to achieve by its technology readiness date in 2015, including how this may differ from previous posture plans. DOE also has not identified the R&D funding needed to achieve its 2015 target. Moreover, deploying the production facilities, fueling stations, and other support infrastructure needed to commercialize hydrogen fuel cell vehicles across the nation will require sustained industry and federal investment of tens of billions of dollars over several decades after 2015, according to DOE officials and industry representatives. DOE has effectively solicited industry input and has worked to align its R&D priorities with those of industry, and industry representatives stated that DOE generally has managed its hydrogen R&D resources well. Specifically, DOE involved industry and university experts at the earliest planning stages and has continually focused on the highest R&D priorities. DOE has hosted annual peer reviews of each R&D project and has sponsored periodic workshops to solicit industry feedback on the progress, priorities, and direction of the hydrogen R&D program. DOE has also established 11 technical teams with DOE, industry, and national laboratory representation to assess progress in specific areas and bring technical and other issues to management attention. In addition, both the National Academies of Science and Engineering and HTAC provide input. One area of criticism that industry representatives identified is that DOE has focused its limited resources on developing vehicle technologies and given low priority to stationary and portable technologies. These industry representatives note that stationary and portable technologies may have more near-term market potential than vehicle technologies and, therefore, may be integral to resolving technical or infrastructure challenges and developing the public acceptance necessary to deploy hydrogen nationally. DOE recently has begun to emphasize near-term stationary and portable market applications by soliciting industry, non-profit, and federal organizations for ideas on early adoption of technologies and providing R&D grants. DOE's interagency coordination efforts among working level managers and scientists have been productive and useful, but it is too early to evaluate collaboration among senior officials at the policy level because a body created to do so, the Interagency Task Force, just held its first meeting in August 2007. At the working level, DOE has established several interagency coordination bodies to facilitate cooperation and share knowledge. For example, one working group has created Web-based tools and joint workshops to coordinate R&D activities and facilitate interagency technology partnerships by bringing the Defense Logistics Agency together with DOE in an initiative for deploying hydrogen-fuel-cell-powered forklifts. Working level managers at federal agencies involved in hydrogen-related activities generally were satisfied with the level of coordination. However, the Interagency Task Force--composed of deputy assistant secretaries, program directors, and other senior officials--has just begun to plan actions to demonstrate and promote hydrogen technologies. In its inaugural meeting in August 2007, the task force did not clearly define its role or strategy, but member agencies plan to develop a path forward and an action plan by May 2008. HTAC criticized DOE for taking too long to initiate the effort and for not securing participation of departmental assistant secretaries to ensure appropriate authority inside each agency for making hydrogen-related budget and policy decisions. In addition, some Interagency Task Force members observed that lack of a common vision may hinder decision making. To accurately reflect the progress made by the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative and the challenges it faces, we recommend that the Secretary of Energy update the Hydrogen Posture Plan's overall assessment of what DOE reasonably expects to achieve by its technology readiness date in 2015, including how this updated assessment may differ from prior posture plans and a projection of anticipated R&D funding needs. DOE agreed with our recommendation, stating that it plans to update the Hydrogen Posture Plan during 2008. Background: For decades, oil has been relatively inexpensive and plentiful, helping to spur the United States' economic growth. Despite price spikes primarily caused by instability in the Middle East and other oil- producing regions or by natural disasters, the price of oil has historically returned to low levels. However, in recent years, increasing world consumption of oil has put more upward pressure on the price of oil, making the price less likely to return to low levels. Figure 1 shows the volatility of the oil market because of political instability and natural disasters, but also illustrates an upward trend in price in recent years. Figure 1: U.S. Refineries' Oil Prices, 1968 to 2007: This figure is a line graph showing U.S. refineries' oil prices between 1968 and 2007. The X axis represents the calendar years, and the Y axis represents the dollars per barrel. [See PDF for image] Source: GAO analysis of DOE data. Note: Oil prices are in real terms, adjusted to fiscal year 2007 dollars to account for inflation. For 2007, oil prices for January through September were averaged. Refiners' oil prices better reflect the cost of oil than spot market prices because refiners typically purchase oil through long-term contracts that generally are not affected by short-term price changes. [End of figure] In 2005, the world consumed about 84 million barrels of oil per day, and world oil production has been running at near capacity to meet the growing demand. DOE's Energy Information Administration projects that world oil consumption will continue to grow, reaching about 118 million barrels per day in 2030. In February 2007, we reported that most studies, amidst much uncertainty, estimate that oil production will peak sometime between now and 2040, which could lead to rapid increases in oil prices.[Footnote 1] We concluded that the United States--which consumes about one-quarter of the world's oil and is about 97 percent dependent on oil for transportation--would be particularly vulnerable to the projected price increases. Fuel cells convert the chemical energy in hydrogen--or a hydrogen-rich fuel--and oxygen to create electricity with low environmental impact. Although fuel cells can use a variety of fuels, hydrogen is preferred because of the ease with which it can be converted to electricity and its ability to combine with oxygen to emit only water and heat. Fuel cells look and function very similar to batteries. However, for a battery, all the energy available is stored within the battery and its performance will decline as its fuel is depleted. A fuel cell, on the other hand, continues to convert chemical energy to electricity as long as fuel is fed into the fuel cell. Like a battery, a typical fuel cell consists of an electrolyte--a conductive medium--and an anode and a cathode sandwiched between plates to generate an electrochemical reaction. (See fig. 2.) Like the respective negative and positive sides of a battery, the current flows into the anode and out of the cathode. Figure 2: Schematic of a Typical Fuel Cell: This figure is a visual image of schematic of a typical fuel cell. [See PDF for image] Source: DOE. [End of figure] Fuel cells typically are classified according to their type of electrolyte and fuel. Table 1 identifies the various types of fuel cells and their uses. Table 1: Fuel Cell Types and Examples of Their Applications: Fuel cell type: Alkaline; Examples of applications: Space exploration; Operating temperature: 194-212[O] F; Electric output (kilowatts): 10 - 100. Fuel cell type: Phosphoric acid; Examples of applications: Stationary and combined heat and power; Operating temperature: 302-392[O] F; Electric output (kilowatts): 50 - 1,000. Fuel cell type: Proton exchange membrane; Examples of applications: Vehicles, backup generators for emergency service, mobile phones, and electronics; Operating temperature: 122-212[O] F; Electric output (kilowatts): Less than 250. Fuel cell type: Molten carbonate; Examples of applications: Electric utilities and other industrial applications; Operating temperature: 1,112-1,292[O] F; Electric output (kilowatts): Less than 1,000. Fuel cell type: Solid oxide; Examples of applications: Electric utilities and other industrial applications; Operating temperature: 1,202-1,832[O] F; Electric output (kilowatts): 5 - 3,000. Source: DOE. [End of table] NASA began conducting R&D on hydrogen and fuel cells in the 1960s to develop a simple alkaline fuel cell for the space program. However, alkaline fuel cells do not work well for cars, in part because of their propensity to be damaged by carbon dioxide. In response to the 1973 oil embargo, the federal government began conducting R&D to improve automobile efficiency and reduce the U.S. transportation sector's dependence on oil by developing technologies for using alternative fuels, including (1) ethanol from corn and other biomass, (2) synthetic liquids from shale oil and liquefied coal, and (3) hydrogen directly used in internal combustion engines. In 1977, DOE's Los Alamos National Laboratory began R&D on fuel cells called polymer electrolyte membrane or proton exchange membrane, which have a low operating temperature, need only hydrogen and oxygen from the air, and are very efficient. However, DOE and industry reduced R&D funding for alternative fuels during the 1980s, when crude oil prices returned to historic levels. DOE formed (1) an R&D partnership with the U.S. Council for Automotive Research (USCAR)[Footnote 2] in 1993 and (2) the FreedomCAR Partnership in 2002 to develop advanced technologies for cars, including hydrogen fuel cells for vehicles. The hydrogen-related R&D elements of the FreedomCAR became part of the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative. While DOE conducts most of the initiative's R&D, which generally has focused on developing fuel cells for vehicles, DOT also is a member of the initiative, primarily focusing on regulatory issues related to the safety of vehicles, pipelines, and transport of hydrogen. The Hydrogen Fuel Initiative is also working with industry to demonstrate and deploy other types of fuel cells for stationary and portable applications. DOE further focused its hydrogen R&D in response to the National Energy Policy issued in 2001, which highlighted hydrogen as one of several R&D priorities. DOE hosted several meetings and workshops, including two major workshops in 2001 and 2002 that were designed to develop an R&D agenda and involved stakeholders from industry, universities, environmental organizations, federal and state agencies, and national laboratories.[Footnote 3] These meetings and workshops laid the groundwork for identifying a common R&D vision and challenges, and each DOE program has used meetings and workshops to develop separate detailed R&D plans that set near-term and long-term targets to enable commercialization decisions by 2015. In February 2004, DOE integrated these plans into its first Hydrogen Posture Plan, a single high-level agenda. The Hydrogen Posture Plan's approach is to conduct R&D in multiple pathways within key technology areas with the intent of providing several promising options for industry to consider commercializing. For example, DOE is using a mix of fossil, renewable, and nuclear energy to develop and demonstrate technologies that can extract hydrogen from a variety of sources, including natural gas, coal, biomass, water, algae, and microbes. DOE officials state that they prioritize the most promising technologies and terminate specific efforts that show little potential. Based on its review of the posture plan, the National Academy of Engineering made 48 recommendations, most of which were incorporated by DOE, including focusing on both applied and fundamental science R&D.[Footnote 4] In addition to the R&D funded through the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative, DOE conducts R&D on various other hydrogen-related technologies. For example, the Office of Fossil Energy is working on a hydrogen-based solid oxide fuel cell, with funding provided through the Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance, for stationary applications of electricity generation. Fossil Energy's R&D plan for extracting hydrogen from coal complements a separately funded demonstration program called FutureGen. The effort is designed to construct a prototype integrated gasification combined-cycle coal power plant to be operational by 2015 that will demonstrate production of hydrogen as well as reduced emissions. Fossil Energy also funds R&D on the capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide, considered an important area of R&D if coal is to be used as a long-term source of hydrogen. The Office of Nuclear Energy's R&D plan for producing hydrogen-using nuclear energy--called the Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative--complements the separately funded Next Generation Nuclear Plant program. The effort focuses on conducting R&D on a new generation of nuclear power plants capable of producing large amounts of hydrogen efficiently and economically. The first prototype is scheduled to be operational between 2018 and 2021. The Hydrogen Fuel Initiative Has Made Important Progress but Will Require Significant Scientific Advances and Continued R&D beyond 2015 and Investment in Developing the Physical Infrastructure: DOE's hydrogen R&D program has made important progress, but some target dates have been pushed back, and further progress in certain areas will require significant scientific advances and continued R&D beyond 2015. Specifically, during its first 4 years, the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative has achieved such targets as reducing the cost of extracting hydrogen from natural gas, but other target dates have slipped as a result of technical challenges and budget constraints. For example, DOE officials and industry representatives stated that achieving targets for hydrogen storage will require fundamental breakthroughs, while achieving targets for other technologies will require significant scientific advances and cost reductions. However, DOE has not updated its 2006 Hydrogen Posture Plan's overall assessment of what the department reasonably expects to achieve by its technology readiness date in 2015 and its anticipated R&D funding needs to meet the 2015 target. Furthermore, full-scale deployment of hydrogen technologies will require sustained industry and federal investment, possibly for decades beyond 2015, to develop supporting infrastructure. The Hydrogen Fuel Initiative Has Made Important Progress, but Some Target Dates Have Slipped, and Some Targets Require Significant Scientific Advances: According to DOE, key R&D targets to achieve technology readiness in 2015 focus primarily on (1) extracting hydrogen from diverse, domestic resources at a cost equivalent to about $2 to $3 per gallon of gasoline, (2) storing hydrogen on-board vehicles to enable a driving range of at least 300 miles for most light duty vehicles, (3) delivering hydrogen between two points for less than $1 per kilogram, and (4) developing proton exchange membrane fuel cells that cost about $30 per kilowatt and deliver at least 5,000 hours of service for vehicles--which compares to about 150,000 miles in conventional gasoline-powered vehicles--and at least 40,000 hours for stationary applications. As shown in table 2, DOE has made progress on meeting some of its near-term targets, in both applied and fundamental science, important stepping stones for meeting DOE's 2015 targets. Table 2: Status of Key Hydrogen Fuel Initiative Technologies and Target Dates: Technology: Fuel cell; Target area: Cost[A]; Status: $107/kW; Target (2010): $45/kW; Target (2015): $30/kW. Technology: Fuel cell; Target area: Durability; Status: 2,000 hours; Target (2010): 5,000 hours (80°C); Target (2015): 5,000 hours (80°C). Technology: Storage; Target area: System gravimetric capacity (net)[B]; Status: 2.3 wt%; Target (2010): 6 wt%; Target (2015): 9 wt%. Technology: Storage; Target area: System volumetric capacity (net)[C]; Status: 0.8 kWh/L; Target (2010): 1.5 kWh/L; Target (2015): 2.7 kWh/L. Technology: Storage; Target area: Cost[D]; Status: $15-$18/kW; Target (2010): $4/kW; Target (2015): $2/kW. Technology: Production; Target area: Cost, distributed natural gas[E]; Status: $3.00/gge; Target (2010): $2.00-$3.00/gge; Target (2015): $2.00-$3.00/gge. Technology: Production; Target area: Cost, distributed bio-derived renewable liquids; Status: $4.40/gge; Target (2010): $3.80/gge (2012 target); Target (2015):

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