Department of Energy Reports for July 2009
- GAO-09-829 - Recovery Act (2009-07-08)
States' and Localities' Current and Planned Uses of Funds While Facing Fiscal Stresses - GAO-09-831T - Recovery Act (2009-07-08)
States' and Localities' Current and Planned Uses of Funds While Facing Fiscal Stresses - GAO-09-860T - Clean Air Act (2009-07-09)
Preliminary Observations on the Effectiveness and Costs of Mercury Control Technologies at Coal-Fired Power Plants - GAO-09-862T - Energy and Water (2009-07-09)
Preliminary Observations on the Links between Water and Biofuels and Electricity Production - GAO-09-742 - Federal Research (2009-07-27)
Information on the Government's Right to Assert Ownership Control over Federally Funded Inventions - GAO-09-700 - Energy Markets (2009-07-30)
Refinery Outages Can Have Varying Gasoline Price Impacts, but Gaps in Federal Data Limit Understanding of Impacts