Department of Health and Human Services Reports for March 1986
- RCED-86-112 - Imported Wines (1986-03-04)
Identifying and Removing Wines Contaminated With Diethylene Glycol - HRD-86-37 - Affirmative Action (1986-03-05)
National Institutes of Health Does Not Fully Meet Federal Requirements - HRD-86-25 - Medicare (1986-03-07)
Past Overuse of Intensive Care Services Inflates Hospital Payments - HRD-86-32 - Social Security (1986-03-12)
Pension Data Useful for Detecting Supplemental Security Payment Errors - 129326 - Federal Funding Mechanisms in Support of University Research (1986-03-12)
- 129328 - The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Block Grant (1986-03-13)
- RCED-86-17 - Benefit Overpayments (1986-03-14)
Recoveries Could Be Increased in the Food Stamp and AFDC Programs