Public Health Service
Disapproval of a Grant Application for Migrant Health Services Gao ID: HRD-87-129 September 21, 1987Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the basis for the Public Health Service's (PHS): (1) disapproval of a grant continuation for migrant health care services in the Winchester, Virginia, area; (2) denial of the grantee's appeal; and (3) subsequent award of a grant for the same services.
GAO found that PHS disapproved the grant continuation because: (1) of the low number of seasonal and migrant workers in the area; (2) the grantee's proposed cost was excessive; (3) of concerns about the grantee's productivity; and (4) of a decreased regional funding allocation. GAO also found that: (1) a PHS review board determined that it lacked jurisdiction over the grantee's appeal; (2) PHS properly awarded a grant to another grantee for the same services; and (3) there was no evidence that PHS acted improperly.