Department of Health and Human Services Reports for September 1992
- RCED-92-258R - FDA's Inspection of Imported Dairy Products (1992-09-02)
- HRD-92-88 - Social Security (1992-09-04)
Reporting and Processing of Death Information Should Be Improved - T-HRD-92-55 - State Health Care Reform (1992-09-09)
Federal Requirements Influence State Reforms - T-HRD-92-56 - Health Insurance (1992-09-10)
Medicare and Private Payers Are Vulnerable to Fraud and Abuse - HRD-92-125 - Employer-Based Health Insurance (1992-09-22)
High Costs, Wide Variation Threaten System - PEMD-92-20 - Medical Technology (1992-09-23)
For Some Cardiac Pacemaker Leads, the Public Health Risks Are Still High - T-PEMD-92-14 - Medicare (1992-09-23)
HCFA Monitoring of the Quality of Part B Claims Processing - RCED-92-205 - Pesticides (1992-09-24)
Adulterated Imported Foods Are Reaching U.S. Grocery Shelves - HRD-92-44R - LTC Insurance Partnerships (1992-09-25)
- HRD-92-92 - Social Security (1992-09-25)
Need for Better Coordination of Food Stamp Services for Social Security Clients - HRD-92-118 - Welfare to Work (1992-09-29)
Implementation and Evaluation of Transitional Benefits Need HHS Action - PEMD-92-31 - AIDS (1992-09-29)
CDC's Investigation of HIV Transmissions by a Dentist