Department of Health and Human Services Reports for April 1995
- HEHS-95-132W - Health, Education, Employment, Social Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports (1995-04-01)
- HEHS-95-122 - Medicaid (1995-04-04)
Spending Pressures Drive States Toward Program Reinvention - T-HEHS-95-129 - Medicaid (1995-04-04)
Spending Pressures Drive States Toward Program Reinvention - AIMD-95-109 - Budget Issues (1995-04-05)
Fiscal Year 1994 Budget Estimates and Actual Results - T-HEHS-95-126 - Ryan White CARE Act of 1990 (1995-04-05)
Opportunities Are Available to Improve Funding Equity - T-RCED-95-154 - Federal Research (1995-04-06)
Interim Report on the Small Business Innovation Research Program - HEHS-95-105R - State Trauma Grants (1995-04-11)
- HEHS-95-109 - Long-Term Care (1995-04-13)
Current Issues and Future Directions - RCED-95-160BR - Rural Development (1995-04-13)
Patchwork of Federal Water and Sewer Programs Is Difficult to Use - HEHS-95-86 - Welfare to Work (1995-04-17)
Measuring Outcomes for JOBS Participants - GGD-95-147R - Agencies' Service to Non-English Speaking Customers (1995-04-21)
- GGD-95-91R - Selected Agencies' Customer Service Efforts (1995-04-21)
- HEHS-95-46 - Indian Health Service (1995-04-21)
Improvements Needed in Credentialing Temporary Physicians - HEHS-95-87 - Medicaid Managed Care (1995-04-28)
More Competition and Oversight Would Improve California's Expansion Plan