Personnel Practices

An Overview of Ramspeck Act Appointments Gao ID: T-GGD-95-155 May 8, 1995

This testimony discusses GAO's May 1994 report (GAO/GGD-94-66) on the use of Ramspeck authority during the recent presidential transition period and recommendations GAO made for modifying the act. GAO also outlines its current efforts to track Ramspeck Act appointments both before and after the recent congressional elections. GAO notes that the expertise that employees gain while working for Congress can be transferred to executive branch agencies and help them to better carry out their missions. Similarly, White House employees are eligible for noncompetitive appointments after two years of service and can bring their expertise to executive branch agencies. However, GAO continues to believe that more oversight over Ramspeck Act appointments is needed and that the act needs to be amended to specify more clearly the circumstances under which its use is inappropriate.

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