Ryan White CARE Act
Access to Services by Minorities, Women, and Substance Abusers Gao ID: T-HEHS-95-212 July 17, 1995Minorities, women, and injection drug users generally use federally funded AIDS services at a rate that reflects their representation in the HIV-infected population in the five cities GAO visited-- Baltimore, Denver, Lost Angeles, Sacramento, and the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D.C. Service providers and advocates of HIV-infected persons in these communities agreed with this assessment of the patient population receiving Ryan White CARE act- funded services. Nonetheless, these HIV-infected groups may have to rely on Ryan White CARE Act-funded services more so than other subpopulations. Therefore, unmet needs for care may still exist. Providers and advocates described barriers to care that are particularly hard to overcome, such as homelessness, substance abuse, and language and cultural differences. Providers mentioned the importance of outreach to help overcome these barriers.