Department of Health and Human Services Reports for October 1997
- AIMD-98-3R - Consultant's Review of the Social Security Administration's Cost Assignment Methodology (1997-10-01)
- HEHS-98-2 - Medicaid Managed Care (1997-10-01)
Delays and Difficulties in Implementing California's New Mandatory Program - T-HEHS-98-9 - Medicare (1997-10-09)
Recent Legislation to Minimize Fraud and Abuse Requires Effective Implementation - HEHS-98-6 - Social Service Privatization (1997-10-20)
Expansion Poses Challenges in Ensuring Accountability for Program Results - HEHS-98-8 - Medicare Home Health (1997-10-21)
Differences in Service Use by HMO and Fee-for-Service Providers - HEHS-98-11 - Mammography Services (1997-10-21)
Impact of Federal Legislation on Quality, Access, and Health Outcomes - T-RCED-98-27 - Community Development (1997-10-28)
The Federal Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community Program - T-HEHS-98-40 - Parental Substance Abuse (1997-10-28)
Implications for Children, the Child Welfare System, and Foster Care Outcomes - T-HEHS-98-41 - Medicare Home Health (1997-10-29)
Success of Balanced Budget Act Cost Controls Depends on Effective and Timely Implementation