Department of Health and Human Services Reports for April 1997
- T-GGD-97-78 - Statistical Agencies (1997-04-09)
Consolidation and Quality Issues - T-HEHS-97-106 - Medicare Post-Acute Care (1997-04-09)
Cost Growth and Proposals to Manage It Through Prospective Payment and Other Controls - GGD-97-36 - GPRA (1997-04-10)
Managerial Accountability and Flexibility Pilot Did Not Work As Intended - T-HEHS-97-109 - Medicare Managed Care (1997-04-10)
HCFA Missing Opportunities to Provide Consumer Information - T-HEHS-97-113 - Medicare (1997-04-11)
Provision of Key Preventive Diabetes Services Falls Short of Recommended Levels - HEHS-97-57 - Medical Malpractice (1997-04-14)
Federal Tort Claims Act Coverage Could Reduce Health Centers' Costs - AA-97-14(2) - Health Services, Quality and Public Health Issue Area (1997-04-15)
Active Assignments - AA-97-13(2) - Education and Employment Issue Area (1997-04-15)
Active Assignments - AA-97-11(2) - Income Security Issue Area (1997-04-15)
Active Assignments - AA-97-15(2) - Health Financing and Systems Issue Area (1997-04-15)
Active Assignments - AA-97-19(2) - Housing and Community Development Issue Area (1997-04-15)
Active Assignments - AA-97-26(2) - Information Resources Management (1997-04-15)
Active Assignments - HEHS-97-59 - Head Start (1997-04-15)
Research Provides Little Information on Impact of Current Program - AA-97-24(2) - Civil Financial Audits Issue Area (1997-04-15)
Active Assignments - T-HEHS-97-114 - Nursing Homes (1997-04-16)
Too Early to Assess New Efforts to Control Fraud and Abuse - NSIAD-97-142R - Army Aviation and Troop Command (1997-04-22)
- T-GGD-97-92 - Statistical Agencies (1997-04-23)
Collection and Reporting of Race and Ethnicity Data - OGC-97-39 - Internal Revenue Service, Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, and Health Care Financing Administration (1997-04-24)
Interim Rules for Health Insurance Portability for Group Health Plans - OGC-97-38 - HHS (1997-04-24)
Individual Market Health Insurance Reform--Portability from Group to Individual Coverage, Federal Rules for Access in the Individual Market, and State Alternative Mechanisms to Federal Rules - HEHS-97-16 - Medicare HMOs (1997-04-25)
HCFA Can Promptly Eliminate Hundreds of Millions in Excess Payments - T-HEHS-97-117 - Health Professions Education (1997-04-25)
Clarifying the Role of Title VII and VIII Programs Could Improve Accountability - T-HEHS-97-119 - Medicare and Medicaid (1997-04-29)
Meeting Needs of Dual Eligibles Raises Difficult Cost and Care Issues