Department of Health and Human Services Reports for May 1997
- NSIAD-97-42 - Multilateral Organizations (1997-05-01)
U.S. Contributions to International Organizations for Fiscal Year 1993-95 - HEHS-97-37 - Medicare HMO Enrollment (1997-05-02)
Area Differences Affected by Factors Other Than Payment Rates - AIMD-97-95 - Budget Issues (1997-05-13)
Fiscal Year 1996 Agency Spending by Budget Function - HEHS-97-74 - Welfare Reform (1997-05-15)
States' Early Experiences With Benefit Termination - HEHS-97-93 - Long-Term Care (1997-05-15)
Consumer Protection and Quality-of-Care Issues in Assisted Living - HEHS-97-120R - Medicare (1997-05-15)
Comparison of Medicare and VA Payment Rates for Home Oxygen - HEHS-97-86 - Medicaid Managed Care (1997-05-16)
Challenge of Holding Plans Accountable Requires Greater State Effort - AIMD-97-78 - Medicare Transaction System (1997-05-16)
Success Depends Upon Correcting Critical Managerial and Technical Weaknesses - HR-97-30 - High-Risk Program (1997-05-16)
Information on Selected High-Risk Areas - T-AIMD-97-91 - Medicare Transaction System (1997-05-16)
Serious Managerial and Technical Weaknesses Threaten Modernization - T-HEHS-97-133 - Medicare Managed Care (1997-05-19)
HMO Rates, Other Factors Create Uneven Availability of Benefits - AIMD-97-88 - Budget Trends (1997-05-21)
Federal Investment Outlays, Fiscal Years 1981-2002 - T-HEHS-97-135 - Substance Abuse and Mental Health (1997-05-22)
Reauthorization Issues Facing the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - T-RCED-97-157 - Federal Research (1997-05-22)
The Small Business Technology Transfer Program - HEHS-97-144R - Comments on H.R. 4229 (1997-05-28)
A Proposal for a Home Health Prospective Payment System - HEHS-97-80 - Welfare Reform (1997-05-30)
Three States' Approaches Show Promise of Increasing Work Participation