Department of Health and Human Services Reports for August 1997
- HEHS-97-136R - CDC's National Immunization Program (1997-08-01)
Methods Used to Identify Pockets of Underimmunized Children Not Evaluated - AIMD-97-125R - Inspector General (1997-08-01)
Information on Resources and Planning at the Department of Health and Human Services - NSIAD-97-241R - NASA (1997-08-13)
Interest Earned on Letter of Credit Funds - GGD-97-111BR - Federal Personnel (1997-08-27)
Public Health Service Commissioned Corps Officers' Health Care for Native Americans - HEHS-97-163 - Worker Protection (1997-08-27)
Private Sector Ergonomics Programs Yield Positive Results - RCED-97-193 - Economic Development Activities (1997-08-28)
Overview of Eight Federal Programs - HEHS-97-175 - Managed Care (1997-08-29)
Explicit Gag Clauses Not Found in HMO Contracts, But Physician Concerns Remain