Department of Health and Human Services Reports for September 1997
- IAP-97-21 - Veterans' Affairs and Military Health Care Issues Issue Area Plan--Fiscal Years 1998-99 (1997-09-01)
- AA-97-14(3) - Health Services, Quality and Public Health Issue Area (1997-09-01)
Active Assignments - HEHS-97-211R - At-Risk and Delinquent Youth (1997-09-02)
Fiscal Year 1996 Programs - HEHS-97-200R - The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (1997-09-02)
Early Implementation Concerns - T-RCED-97-230 - Federal Research (1997-09-04)
Observations on the Small Business Technology Transfer Program - T-AIMD-97-162 - Child Support Enforcement (1997-09-10)
Leadership Essential to Implementing Effective Automated Systems - T-HEHS-97-204 - Health Care Access (1997-09-11)
Opportunities to Target Programs and Improve Accountability - HEHS-97-210R - Education Programs (1997-09-15)
Information on Major Preschool, Elementary, and Secondary Education Programs - GGD-97-170 - Pay and Benefits (1997-09-15)
Comparative Analyses of Federal Physicians' Compensation - OGC-97-62 - Health Care Financing Administration (1997-09-17)
Medicare Program--Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems and Fiscal Year 1998 Rates - HEHS-97-202 - Medicare Dialysis Patients (1997-09-26)
Widely Varying Lab Test Rates Suggest Need for Greater HCFA Scrutiny - T-AIMD-97-176 - Medicare Automated Systems (1997-09-29)
Weaknesses in Managing Information Technology Hinder Fight Against Fraud and Abuse - HEHS-97-140 - Food and Drug Administration (1997-09-29)
Regulation of Tobacco Products - OGC-97-64 - HCFA (1997-09-30)
Medicaid Program--Coverage of Personal Care Services