Department of Health and Human Services Reports for June 1998
- HEHS-98-134 - Indian Self-Determination Contracting (1998-06-01)
Effects of Individual Community Contracting for Health Services in Alaska - HEHS-98-133 - Private Health Insurance (1998-06-01)
Declining Employer Coverage May Affect Access for 55- to 64-Year-Olds - AIMD-98-157 - Medicare (1998-06-01)
Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program Financial Report for Fiscal Year 1997 - HEHS-98-160 - Medicare (1998-06-01)
HCFA's Use of Anti-Fraud-and-Abuse Funding and Authorities - T-RCED-98-218 - Federal Research (1998-06-04)
Observations on the Small Business Innovation Research Program - T-GGD-98-146 - OMB Circular A-76 (1998-06-04)
Oversight and Implementation Issues - T-HEHS-98-183 - Head Start (1998-06-09)
Challenges Faced in Demonstrating Program Results and Responding to Societal Changes - GGD-98-119 - Immigration Statistics (1998-06-09)
Status of the Implementation of National Academy of Sciences' Recommendations - T-AIMD-98-205 - Year 2000 Computing Crisis (1998-06-10)
Actions Must Be Taken Now to Address Slow Pace of Federal Progress - AIMD-98-134 - Child Support Enforcement (1998-06-15)
Certification Process for State Information Systems - HEHS-98-167 - Healthy Start (1998-06-15)
Preliminary Results From National Evaluation Are Not Conclusive - AIMD-98-184 - Budget Trends (1998-06-15)
Federal Investment Outlays, Fiscal Years 1981-2003 - T-AIMD-98-212 - Year 2000 Computing Crisis (1998-06-16)
Telecommunications Readiness Critical, Yet Overall Status Largely Unknown - HEHS-98-180R - The Results Act (1998-06-17)
Observations on the Department of Health and Human Services' Fiscal Year 1999 Annual Performance Plan - HEHS-98-69 - Health Care Quality (1998-06-18)
Implications of Purchasers' Experiences for HCFA - HEHS-98-109 - Welfare Reform (1998-06-18)
States Are Restructuring Programs to Reduce Welfare Dependence - GGD-98-137 - Grant Programs (1998-06-22)
Design Features Shape Flexibility, Accountability, and Performance Information - RCED-98-148 - Welfare Reform (1998-06-25)
Changes Will Further Shape the Roles of Housing Agencies and HUD - T-HEHS-98-199 - Private Health Insurance (1998-06-25)
Employer Coverage Trends Signal Possible Decline in Access for 55- to 64-Year-Olds - GGD-98-161 - Federal User Fees (1998-06-30)
Some Agencies Do Not Comply With Review Requirements - HEHS-98-141 - Teen Mothers (1998-06-30)
Selected Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Risk Factors - HEHS-98-186 - Head Start (1998-06-30)
Challenges in Monitoring Program Quality and Demonstrating Results