Department of Health and Human Services Reports for February 1999
- T-HEHS-99-51 - Supplemental Security Income (1999-02-03)
Long-Standing Issues Require More Active Management and Program Oversight - HEHS-99-26 - Emerging Infectious Diseases (1999-02-05)
Consensus on Needed Laboratory Capacity Could Strengthen Surveillance - T-HEHS-99-58 - HCFA Management (1999-02-11)
Agency Faces Multiple Challenges in Managing Its Transition to the 21st Century - HEHS-99-29R - Medicaid Formula (1999-02-19)
Effects of Proposed Formula on Federal Shares of State Spending - AIMD-99-51 - Financial Management (1999-02-22)
FDA's Controls Over Property Have Improved, But Weaknesses Remain - HEHS-99-30 - Medicare Physician Payments (1999-02-24)
Need to Refine Practice Expense Values During Transition and Long Term - T-HEHS-99-70 - Medical Records Privacy (1999-02-24)
Uses and Oversight of Patient Information in Research - T-AIMD-99-91 - Year 2000 Computing Crisis (1999-02-24)
Readiness of State Automated Systems That Support Federal Human Services Programs - T-AIMD-99-89 - Year 2000 Computing Crisis (1999-02-24)
Medicare and the Delivery of Health Services Are at Risk - HEHS-99-55 - Medical Records Privacy (1999-02-24)
Access Needed for Health Research, but Oversight of Privacy Protections Is Limited - T-HEHS-99-72 - Medicare Managed Care (1999-02-25)
Better Risk Adjustment Expected to Reduce Excess Payments Overall While Making Them Fairer to Individual Plans - T-HEHS-99-62 - Emerging Infectious Diseases (1999-02-25)
National Surveillance System Could Be Strengthened - GGD/AIMD-99-69 - Agency Performance Plans (1999-02-26)
Examples of Practices That Can Improve Usefulness to Decisionmakers - T-AIMD-99-92 - Year 2000 Computing Crisis (1999-02-26)
Readiness Status of the Department of Health and Human Services - HEHS-99-22 - Welfare Reform (1999-02-26)
States' Experiences in Providing Employment Assistance to TANF Clients - HEHS-99-71R - Mutual Recognition Agreement (1999-02-26)
Food and Drug Administration's Progress in Assessing Equivalency of European Union Pharmaceutical Inspection Programs - HEHS-99-36 - Physician Shortage Areas (1999-02-26)
Medicare Incentive Payment Not an Effective Approach to Improve Access - RCED-99-49 - Homelessness (1999-02-26)
Coordination and Evaluation of Programs Are Essential