Department of Health and Human Services Reports for April 1999
- OGC-99-36 - Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration (1999-04-01)
Over-the-Counter Human Drugs and Labeling Requirements - HEHS-99-53 - Homeless Veterans (1999-04-01)
VA Expands Partnerships, but Homeless Program Effectiveness Is Unclear - HEHS-99-56 - Medicare (1999-04-05)
Access to Home Oxygen Largely Unchanged; Closer HCFA Monitoring Needed - HEHS-99-41 - Social Service Privatization (1999-04-05)
Ethics and Accountability Challenges in State Contracting - HEHS-99-61 - Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries (1999-04-09)
Further Outreach and Administrative Simplification Could Increase Enrollment - RCED-99-86 - Environmental Protection (1999-04-09)
Agencies Have Made Progress in Implementing the Federal Brownfield Partnership Initiative - HEHS-99-92 - Medicare + Choice (1999-04-12)
New Standards Could Improve Accuracy and Usefulness of Plan Literature - HEHS-99-68 - Medicare Managed Care (1999-04-12)
Greater Oversight Needed to Protect Beneficiary Rights - T-HEHS-99-108 - Medicare+Choice (1999-04-13)
HCFA Actions Could Improve Plan Benefit and Appeal Information - T-AIMD-99-143 - Year 2000 Computing Crisis (1999-04-13)
Additional Work Remains to Ensure Delivery of Critical Services - T-AIMD-99-144 - Year 2000 Computing Challenge (1999-04-14)
Federal Government Making Progress But Critical Issues Must Still Be Addressed to Minimize Disruptions - NSIAD-99-93R - Acquisition Reform (1999-04-14)
Review of Selected Best-Value Contracts - T-AIMD-99-136 - Year 2000 Computing Crisis (1999-04-15)
Action Needed to Ensure Continued Delivery of Veterans Benefits and Health Care Services - HEHS-99-59 - Medicare (1999-04-15)
Early Evidence of Compliance Program Effectiveness Is Inconclusive - T-AIMD-99-149 - Year 2000 Computing Crisis (1999-04-19)
Readiness Improving But Much Work Remains to Ensure Delivery of Critical Services - HEHS-99-114R - Foster Care (1999-04-20)
Increases in Adoption Rates - T-AIMD-99-152 - Year 2000 Computing Crisis (1999-04-20)
Key Actions Remain to Ensure Delivery of Veterans Benefits and Health Services - RCED-99-80 - Food Safety (1999-04-20)
Experiences of Four Countries in Consolidating Their Food Safety Systems - RCED-99-112 - Fresh Produce (1999-04-21)
Potential Consequences of Country-of-Origin Labeling - RCED-99-108 - Federal Research (1999-04-22)
Information on International Science and Technology Agreements - T-HEHS-99-111 - Assisted Living (1999-04-26)
Quality-of-Care and Consumer Protection Issues - T-AIMD-99-160 - Year 2000 Computing Crisis (1999-04-27)
Readiness of Medicare and the Health Care Sector - HEHS-99-91 - Medicare Managed Care Plans (1999-04-27)
Many Factors Contribute to Recent Withdrawals; Plan Interest Continues - T-RCED-99-172 - Fresh Produce (1999-04-28)
Potential Consequences of Country-of-Origin Labeling - HEHS/NSIAD/RCED-99-132 - Antimicrobial Resistance (1999-04-28)
Data to Assess Public Health Threat From Resistant Bacteria Are Limited - AIMD-99-154 - Year 2000 Computing Crisis (1999-04-28)
Costs and Planned Use of Emergency Funds - HEHS-99-48 - Welfare Reform (1999-04-28)
Information on Former Recipients' Status - RCED-99-74 - Food Safety (1999-04-28)
The Agricultural Use of Antibiotics and Its Implications for Human Health - T-NSIAD-99-148 - Medical Readiness (1999-04-29)
Safety and Efficacy of the Anthrax Vaccine