Department of Health and Human Services Reports for February 2000
- T-AIMD-00-73 - Budget Issues (2000-02-01)
Effective Oversight and Budget Discipline Are Essential--Even in a Time of Surplus - T-HEHS-00-53 - Adverse Drug Events (2000-02-01)
Substantial Problem but Magnitude Uncertain - T-NSIAD-00-79 - Gulf War Illnesses (2000-02-02)
Basic Questions Unanswered - AIMD-00-69R - Medicare (2000-02-04)
Methodology to Identify and Measure Improper Payments in the Medicare Program Does Not Include All Fraud - OGC-00-18 - Health Care Financing Administration (2000-02-04)
Medicare Inpatient Disproportionate Share Hospital Adjustment Calculation--Change in the Treatment of Certain Medicaid Patient Days - GGD-00-52 - Managing for Results (2000-02-04)
Challenges Agencies Face in Producing Credible Performance Information - HEHS-00-47R - Laboratory Quality (2000-02-04)
Financing the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA) Program - T-HEHS/AIMD-00-77 - Medicare (2000-02-08)
Program Reform and Modernization Are Needed But Entail Considerable Challenges - T-HEHS-00-61 - Adverse Events (2000-02-09)
Surveillance Systems for Adverse Events and Medical Errors - HEHS-00-50 - Drug Abuse Treatment (2000-02-15)
Efforts Under Way to Determine Effectiveness of State Programs - T-HEHS/AIMD-00-99 - Prescription Drugs (2000-02-15)
Increasing Medicare Beneficiary Access and Related Implications - GGD-00-45 - Structured Settlements (2000-02-16)
The Department of Justice's Selection and Use of Annuity Brokers - T-HEHS/AIMD-00-100 - Prescription Drugs (2000-02-16)
Increasing Medicare Beneficiary Access and Related Implications - T-HEHS-00-60 - Drug Abuse (2000-02-17)
Efforts Under Way to Determine Treatment Outcomes - RCED-00-53 - School Meal Programs (2000-02-22)
Few Outbreaks of Foodborne Illness Reported - T-HEHS/AIMD-00-103 - Medicare Reform (2000-02-24)
Leading Proposals Lay Groundwork, While Design Decisions Lie Ahead - T-NSIAD-00-99 - Global Health (2000-02-24)
The U.S. and U.N. Response to the AIDS Crisis in Africa - RCED-00-65 - Food Safety (2000-02-25)
FDA's Use of Faster Tests to Assess the Safety of Imported Foods - OSI-00-4 - HCFA (2000-02-25)
Three Largest Medicare Overpayment Settlements Were Improper - HEHS-00-38 - Early Childhood Programs (2000-02-28)
Characteristics Affect the Availability of School Readiness Information