Department of Health and Human Services Reports for August 2000
- HEHS-00-118 - Prescription Drugs (2000-08-07)
Expanding Access to Federal Prices Could Cause Other Price Changes - HEHS-00-140 - Prescription Drugs (2000-08-10)
Many Factors Affected FDA's Approval of Selected 'Pipeline' Drugs - OGC-00-58 - Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Financing Administration (2000-08-15)
Medicare Program--Prospective Payment System and Consolidated Billing for Skilled Nursing Facilities--Update - OGC-00-57 - HCFA (2000-08-15)
Medicare Program--Provisions of the Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999 and Hospital Inpatient Payments and Rates and Costs of Graduate Medical Education - OGC-00-56 - Health Care Financing Administration (2000-08-15)
Medicare Program--Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems and Fiscal Year 2001 Rates - RCED-00-195 - Food Safety (2000-08-17)
Actions Needed by USDA and FDA to Ensure That Companies Promptly Carry Out Recalls - HEHS-00-94 - Medicare and Medicaid (2000-08-18)
Implementing State Demonstrations for Dual Eligibles Has Proven Challenging - HEHS-00-164R - VA Health Care (2000-08-21)
Supply of Nursing Home Beds Is Sufficient to 2005 in the Detroit, Michigan, Area - HEHS-00-161 - Medicare+Choice (2000-08-23)
Payments Exceed Cost of Fee-for-Service Benefits, Adding Billions to Spending - HEHS-00-189R - Ryan White CARE Act (2000-08-24)
Title I Funding for San Francisco - RCED-00-217 - Food Irradiation (2000-08-24)
Available Research Indicates That Benefits Outweigh Risks - OGC-00-59 - Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Secretary (2000-08-29)
Health Insurance Reform: Standards for Electronic Transactions - AIMD-00-308R - Additional Information Related to Analysis of the Administration's Proposal to Ensure Solvency of the United Mine Workers of America Combined Benefit Fund (2000-08-31)