Department of Health and Human Services Reports for June 2003
- GAO-03-829 - Technology Transfer (2003-06-04)
NIH-Private Sector Partnership in the Development of Taxol - GAO-03-791R - Department of Health and Human Services (2003-06-09)
Amounts Charged to the Department for Events Attended by the President - GAO-03-685 - Department of Health and Human Services (2003-06-10)
Review of the Management of Inspector General Operations - GAO-03-688 - Firearms Controls (2003-06-13)
Federal Agencies Have Firearms Controls, but Could Strengthen Controls in Key Areas - GAO-03-922T - Federal Budget (2003-06-18)
Opportunities for Oversight and Improved Use of Taxpayer Funds - GAO-03-884T - Workforce Investment Act (2003-06-18)
Exemplary One-Stops Devised Strategies to Strengthen Services, but Challenges Remain for Reauthorization - GAO-03-725 - Workforce Investment Act (2003-06-18)
One-Stop Centers Implemented Strategies to Strengthen Services and Partnerships, but More Research and Information Sharing is Needed - GAO-03-576 - Long-Term Care (2003-06-20)
Federal Oversight of Growing Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waivers Should Be Strengthened - GAO-03-697 - Transportation-Disadvantaged Populations (2003-06-30)
Some Coordination Efforts Among Programs Providing Transportation Services, but Obstacles Persist