Ryan White CARE Act
Estimated Effect of Draft Stop-Loss Provision Gao ID: GAO-11-322R January 21, 2011In Process
Under the CARE Act, funding for urban areas--eligible metropolitan areas (EMA) and transitional grant areas (TGA)--is primarily provided through three categories of grants: (1) formula grants that are awarded based on the case counts of people with HIV/AIDS in an urban area; (2) supplemental grants that are awarded on a competitive basis based on an urban area's demonstration of need, including criteria such as HIV/AIDS prevalence; and (3) Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) grants, which are awarded for urban areas to address disparities in access, treatment, care, and health outcomes. The draft bill contained a provision to ensure that decreases in total Part A funding for fiscal year 2010 for each EMA and TGA would not exceed specified levels. It would limit the total funding decrease for fiscal year 2010 to no more than 9.3 percent of what the EMA or TGA received for fiscal year 2006. The funding necessary to limit the decreases to urban areas would be given as increases to supplemental grants for fiscal year 2011.