Department of Homeland Security Reports for August 2004
- GAO-04-1033T - 9/11 Commission Report (2004-08-03)
Reorganization, Transformation, and Information Sharing - GAO-04-777 - Homeland Security (2004-08-06)
Efforts Under Way to Develop Enterprise Architecture, but Much Work Remains - GAO-04-1030R - Immigration Benefits (2004-08-13)
Eleventh Report Required by the Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act of 1998 - GAO-04-881 - Border Security (2004-08-24)
Consular Identification Cards Accepted within United States, but Consistent Federal Guidance Needed - GAO-04-702 - Department of Homeland Security (2004-08-27)
Formidable Information and Technology Management Challenge Requires Institutional Approach