Department of Homeland Security Reports for June 2005
- GAO-05-308 - Information Technology (2005-06-10)
Federal Agencies Face Challenges in Implementing Initiatives to Improve Public Health Infrastructure - GAO-05-700 - Information Security (2005-06-17)
Department of Homeland Security Needs to Fully Implement Its Security Program - GAO-05-840T - Combating Nuclear Smuggling (2005-06-21)
Efforts to Deploy Radiation Detection Equipment in the United States and in Other Countries - GAO-05-822T - Immigration Enforcement (2005-06-21)
Preliminary Observations on Employment Verification and Worksite Enforcement Efforts - GAO-05-651T - Coast Guard (2005-06-21)
Preliminary Observations on the Condition of Deepwater Legacy Assets and Acquisition Management Challenges - GAO-05-790 - Homeland Security (2005-06-24)
Actions Needed to Better Protect National Icons and Federal Office Buildings from Terrorism - GAO-05-824T - Strategic Budgeting (2005-06-29)
Risk Management Principles Can Help DHS Allocate Resources to Highest Priorities - GAO-05-677 - Transportation Security Administration (2005-06-29)
Clear Policies and Oversight Needed for Designation of Sensitive Security Information - GAO-05-526 - Immigration Services (2005-06-30)
Better Contracting Practices Needed at Call Centers