Department of Homeland Security Reports for September 2005
- GAO-05-781 - Aviation Security (2005-09-06)
Flight and Cabin Crew Member Security Training Strengthened, but Better Planning and Internal Controls Needed - GAO-05-805 - Information Technology (2005-09-07)
Management Improvements Needed on Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Infrastructure Modernization Program - GAO-05-372 - Prescription Drugs (2005-09-08)
Strategic Framework Would Promote Accountability and Enhance Efforts to Enforce the Prohibitions on Personal Importation - GAO-05-851 - Passenger Rail Security (2005-09-09)
Enhanced Federal Leadership Needed to Prioritize and Guide Security Efforts - GAO-05-1020T - September 11 (2005-09-10)
Monitoring of World Trade Center Health Effects Has Progressed, but Not for Federal Responders - GAO-05-859 - Border Security (2005-09-13)
Strengthened Visa Process Would Benefit from Improvements in Staffing and Information Sharing - GAO-05-994T - Border Security (2005-09-13)
Strengthened Visa Process Would Benefit from Additional Management Actions by State and DHS - GAO-05-888 - Department of Homeland Security (2005-09-23)
Strategic Management of Training Important for Successful Transformation - GAO-05-935 - Transportation Security Administration (2005-09-23)
More Clarity on the Authority of Federal Security Directors Is Needed - GAO-05-979 - International Trade (2005-09-26)
Issues and Effects of Implementing the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act - GAO-05-686 - Defense Trade (2005-09-28)
Enhancements to the Implementation of Exon-Florio Could Strengthen the Law's Effectiveness - GAO-05-953 - U.S. Postal Service (2005-09-30)
Factors Affecting Fund-Raising Stamp Sales Suggest Lessons Learned