Department of Homeland Security Reports for May 2006
- GAO-06-454 - Hurricane Katrina (2006-05-01)
Army Corps of Engineers Contract for Mississippi Classrooms - GAO-06-714T - Hurricane Katrina (2006-05-04)
Improving Federal Contracting Practices in Disaster Recovery Operations - GAO-06-756T - Anthrax (2006-05-09)
Federal Agencies Have Taken Some Steps to Validate Sampling Methods and to Develop a Next-Generation Anthrax Vaccine - GAO-06-746T - Federal Emergency Management Agency (2006-05-09)
Factors for Future Success and Issues to Consider for Organizational Placement - GAO-06-713 - Continuity of Operations (2006-05-11)
Selected Agencies Could Improve Planning for Use of Alternate Facilities and Telework during Disruptions - GAO-06-740T - Continuity of Operations (2006-05-11)
Agencies Could Improve Planning for Telework during Disruptions - GAO-06-643 - Hurricane Katrina (2006-05-15)
Better Plans and Exercises Needed to Guide the Military's Response to Catastrophic Natural Disasters - GAO-06-790T - Disaster Preparedness (2006-05-18)
Preliminary Observations on the Evacuation of Vulnerable Populations due to Hurricanes and Other Diasasters - GAO-06-644 - Homeland Security (2006-05-19)
Management and Coordination Problems Increase the Vulnerability of U.S. Agriculture to Foreign Pests and Disease - GAO-06-663R - Homeland Security Assistance for Nonprofits (2006-05-22)
Department of Homeland Security Delegated Selection of Nonprofits to Selected States and States Used a Variety of Approaches to Determine Awards - GAO-06-741R - Observations on Efforts to Implement the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative on the U.S. Border with Canada (2006-05-25)
- GAO-06-475 - Aviation Security (2006-05-26)
Further Study of Safety and Effectiveness and Better Management Controls Needed If Air Carriers Resume Interest in Deploying Less-than-Lethal Weapons - GAO-06-518 - Disaster Relief (2006-05-30)
Reimbursement to American Red Cross for Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne - GAO-06-580 - Information Technology (2006-05-31)
Customs Has Made Progress on Automated Commercial Environment System, but It Faces Long-Standing Management Challenges and New Risks - GAO-06-612 - Homeland Security (2006-05-31)
Guidance and Standards Are Needed for Measuring the Effectiveness of Agencies' Facility Protection Efforts - GAO-06-623 - United States Coast Guard (2006-05-31)
Improvements Needed in Management and Oversight of Rescue System Acquisition