Department of Homeland Security Reports for November 2008
- GAO-09-105R - National Applications Office Certification Review (2008-11-06)
- GAO-09-43 - Nonproliferation (2008-11-10)
U.S. Agencies Have Taken Some Steps, but More Effort Is Needed to Strengthen and Expand the Proliferation Security Initiative - GAO-09-20 - Flood Insurance (2008-11-14)
Options for Addressing the Financial Impact of Subsidized Premium Rates on the National Flood Insurance Program - GAO-09-29 - Department of Homeland Security (2008-11-18)
Billions Invested in Major Programs Lack Appropriate Oversight - GAO-09-30 - Department of Homeland Security (2008-11-19)
A Strategic Approach Is Needed to Better Ensure the Acquisition Workforce Can Meet Mission Needs - GAO-09-59R - Actions Taken to Implement the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006 (2008-11-21)
- GAO-09-93 - Northern Border Security (2008-11-25)
DHS's Report Could Better Inform Congress by Identifying Actions, Resources, and Time Frames Needed to Address Vulnerabilities