Department of Homeland Security Reports for May 2008
- GAO-08-729T - Employment Verification (2008-05-06)
Challenges Exist in Implementing a Mandatory Electronic Employment Verification System - GAO-08-765T - Department of Homeland Security (2008-05-08)
Better Planning and Oversight Needed to Improve Complex Service Acquisition Outcomes - GAO-08-487T - Transportation Security (2008-05-13)
Transportation Security Administration Has Strengthened Planning to Guide Investments in Key Aviation and Surface Transportation Security Programs, but More Work Remains - GAO-08-511 - Unmanned Aircraft Systems (2008-05-15)
Federal Actions Needed to Ensure Safety and Expand Their Potential Uses within the National Airspace System - GAO-08-757 - Border Security (2008-05-16)
Summary of Covert Tests and Security Assessments for the Senate Committee on Finance, 2003-2007 - GAO-08-815T - Human Capital (2008-05-21)
Workforce Diversity Governmentwide and at the Department of Homeland Security - GAO-08-623 - Border Security (2008-05-22)
State Department Should Plan for Potentially Significant Staffing and Facilities Shortfalls Caused by Changes in the Visa Waiver Program - GAO-08-821T - High-Containment Biosafety Laboratories (2008-05-22)
DHS Lacks Evidence to Conclude That Foot-and-Mouth Disease Research Can Be Done Safely on the U.S. Mainland - GAO-08-610 - September 11 (2008-05-30)
HHS Needs to Develop a Plan That Incorporates Lessons from the Responder Health Programs