Department of Homeland Security Reports for March 2009
- GAO-09-401T - Department of Homeland Security (2009-03-03)
Organizational Structure, Spending, and Staffing for the Health Care Provided to Immigration Detainees - GAO-09-437T - Disaster Recovery (2009-03-03)
Past Experiences Offer Recovery Lessons for Hurricanes Ike and Gustav and Future Disasters - GAO-09-381T - Immigration Enforcement (2009-03-04)
Controls over Program Authorizing State and Local Enforcement of Federal Immigration Laws Should Be Strengthened - GAO-09-432T - National Cybersecurity Strategy (2009-03-10)
Key Improvements Are Needed to Strengthen the Nation's Posture - GAO-09-433T - Emergency Management (2009-03-17)
Actions to Implement Select Provisions of the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act - GAO-09-337 - Maritime Security (2009-03-17)
Vessel Tracking Systems Provide Key Information, but the Need for Duplicate Data Should Be Reviewed - GAO-09-422T - Aviation Security (2009-03-18)
Preliminary Observations on TSA's Progress and Challenges in Meeting the Statutory Mandate for Screening Air Cargo on Passenger Aircraft - GAO-09-63 - Drug Control (2009-03-20)
Better Coordination with the Department of Homeland Security and an Updated Accountability Framework can Further Enhance DEA's Efforts to Meet Post-9/11 Responsibilities - GAO-09-260 - Freedom of Information Act (2009-03-20)
DHS Has Taken Steps to Enhance Its Program, but Opportunities Exist to Improve Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness - GAO-09-462T - Coast Guard (2009-03-24)
Observations on Changes to Management and Oversight of the Deepwater Program - GAO-09-492 - Transportation Security (2009-03-27)
Comprehensive Risk Assessments and Stronger Internal Controls Needed to Help Inform TSA Resource Allocation