Department of Homeland Security Reports for June 2009
- GAO-09-551 - Alaska Native Villages (2009-06-03)
Limited Progress Has Been Made on Relocating Villages Threatened by Flooding and Erosion - GAO-09-760T - Influenza Pandemic (2009-06-03)
Continued Focus on the Nation's Planning and Preparedness Efforts Remains Essential - GAO-09-491 - Transit Security Grant Program (2009-06-08)
DHS Allocates Grants Based on Risk, but Its Risk Methodology, Management Controls, and Grant Oversight Can Be Strengthened - GAO-09-404 - Influenza Pandemic (2009-06-12)
Increased Agency Accountability Could Help Protect Federal Employees Serving the Public in the Event of a Pandemic - GAO-09-489 - Coast Guard (2009-06-12)
Administrative Law Judge Program Contains Elements Designed to Foster Judges' Independence and Mariner Protections Assessed Are Being Followed - GAO-09-542R - CBP Could Improve Its Estimation of Funding Needed for New Border Patrol Agents (2009-06-15)
- GAO-09-783T - Influenza Pandemic (2009-06-16)
Greater Agency Accountability Needed to Protect Federal Workers in the Event of a Pandemic - GAO-09-709 - Firearms Trafficking (2009-06-18)
U.S. Efforts to Combat Arms Trafficking to Mexico Face Planning and Coordination Challenges - GAO-09-813T - International Trade (2009-06-18)
Observations on U.S. Government Efforts to Address Textile Transshipment - GAO-09-764R - U.S. and Canadian Governments Have Established Mechanisms to Monitor Compliance with the 2006 Softwood Lumber Agreement but Face Operational Challenges (2009-06-18)
- GAO-09-781T - Firearms Trafficking (2009-06-19)
U.S. Efforts to Combat Arms Trafficking to Mexico Face Planning and Coordination Challenges - GAO-09-541 - Gulf Coast Disaster Recovery (2009-06-19)
Community Development Block Grant Program Guidance to States Needs to Be Improved - GAO-09-671 - Hurricanes Gustav and Ike Disaster Assistance (2009-06-19)
FEMA Strengthened Its Fraud Prevention Controls, but Customer Service Needs Improvement - GAO-09-678 - Transportation Security (2009-06-24)
Key Actions Have Been Taken to Enhance Mass Transit and Passenger Rail Security, but Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Federal Strategy and Programs - GAO-09-530R - Coast Guard (2009-06-24)
Observations on the Genesis and Progress of the Service's Modernization Program - GAO-09-835T - Cybersecurity (2009-06-25)
Continued Federal Efforts Are Needed to Protect Critical Systems and Information - GAO-09-804T - Combating Nuclear Smuggling (2009-06-25)
Lessons Learned from DHS Testing of Advanced Radiation Detection Portal Monitors - GAO-09-562 - Human Capital (2009-06-26)
Actions Needed to Better Track and Provide Timely and Accurate Compensation and Medical Benefits to Deployed Federal Civilians - GAO-09-604 - Emergency Communications (2009-06-26)
Vulnerabilities Remain and Limited Collaboration and Monitoring Hamper Federal Efforts - GAO-09-654R - The Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Critical Infrastructure Protection Cost-Benefit Report (2009-06-26)
- GAO-09-566 - Information Technology (2009-06-30)
Federal Agencies Need to Strengthen Investment Board Oversight of Poorly Planned and Performing Projects