Department of Homeland Security Reports for August 2009
- GAO-09-839T - Federal Contracting (2009-08-03)
Application of OMB Guidance Can Improve Use of Award Fee Contracts - GAO-09-803 - Consumer Safety (2009-08-14)
Better Information and Planning Would Strengthen CPSC's Oversight of Imported Products - GAO-09-676 - Results-Oriented Management (2009-08-17)
Strengthening Key Practices at FEMA and Interior Could Promote Greater Use of Performance Information - GAO-09-455 - Flood Insurance (2009-08-21)
Opportunities Exist to Improve Oversight of the WYO Program - GAO-09-822 - Emergency Communications (2009-08-28)
National Communications System Provides Programs for Priority Calling, but Planning for New Initiatives and Performance Measurement Could be Strengthened - GAO-09-796 - Disaster Housing (2009-08-28)
FEMA Needs More Detailed Guidance and Performance Measures to Help Ensure Effective Assistance after Major Disasters - GAO-09-639 - Equal Employment Opportunity (2009-08-31)
DHS Has Opportunities to Better Identify and Address Barriers to EEO in Its Workforce