Department of Homeland Security Reports for September 2009
- GAO-09-880SP - Emergency Preparedness (2009-09-09)
Results of Survey on State and Local Emergency Alert and Notification Capabilities (GAO-09-880SP, September 2009), an E-supplement to GAO-09-834 - GAO-09-834 - Emergency Preparedness (2009-09-09)
Improved Planning and Coordination Necessary for Modernization and Integration of Public Alert and Warning System - GAO-09-849 - Homeland Defense (2009-09-09)
U.S. Northern Command Has a Strong Exercise Program, but Involvement of Interagency Partners and States Can Be Improved - GAO-09-896 - Secure Border Initiative (2009-09-09)
Technology Deployment Delays Persist and the Impact of Border Fencing Has Not Been Assessed - GAO-09-996T - Combating Nuclear Terrorism (2009-09-14)
Preliminary Observations on Preparedness to Recover from Possible Attacks Using Radiological or Nuclear Materials - GAO-09-617 - Information Security (2009-09-14)
Concerted Effort Needed to Improve Federal Performance Measures - GAO-09-873 - Food Safety (2009-09-15)
Agencies Need to Address Gaps in Enforcement and Collaboration to Enhance Safety of Imported Food - GAO-09-1002T - Homeland Security (2009-09-15)
Despite Progress, DHS Continues to Be Challenged in Managing Its Multi-Billion Dollar Annual Investment in Large-Scale Information Technology Systems - GAO-09-1019T - Human Capital (2009-09-16)
Improved Tracking and Additional Actions Needed to Ensure the Timely and Accurate Delivery of Compensation and Medical Benefits to Deployed Civilians - GAO-09-1013T - Secure Border Initiative (2009-09-17)
Technology Deployment Delays Persist and the Impact of Border Fencing Has Not Been Assessed - GAO-09-951R - U.S. Embargo on Cuba (2009-09-17)
Recent Regulatory Changes and Potential Presidential or Congressional Actions - GAO-09-574 - High-Containment Laboratories (2009-09-21)
National Strategy for Oversight Is Needed - GAO-09-1036T - High-Containment Laboratories (2009-09-22)
National Strategy for Oversight Is Needed - GAO-09-1045T - High-Containment Laboratories (2009-09-22)
National Strategy for Oversight Is Needed - GAO-09-1047T - Homeland Security (2009-09-23)
Federal Protective Service Has Taken Some Initial Steps to Address Its Challenges, but Vulnerabilities Still Exist - GAO-09-468 - DCAA Audits (2009-09-23)
Widespread Problems with Audit Quality Require Significant Reform - GAO-09-1009T - DCAA Audits (2009-09-23)
Widespread Problems with Audit Quality Require Significant Reform - GAO-11-190 - Combating Terrorism (2009-09-24)
U.S. Agencies Report Progress Countering Terrorism and Its Financing in Saudi Arabia, but Continued Focus on Counter Terrorism Financing Efforts Needed (Arabic version) - GAO-09-1011T - Government Performance (2009-09-24)
Strategies for Building a Results-Oriented and Collaborative Culture in the Federal Government - GAO-09-969 - Critical Infrastructure Protection (2009-09-24)
Current Cyber Sector-Specific Planning Approach Needs Reassessment - GAO-09-883 - Combating Terrorism (2009-09-24)
U.S. Agencies Report Progress Countering Terrorism and Its Financing in Saudi Arabia, but Continued Focus on Counter Terrorism Financing Efforts Needed - GAO-09-987 - International Trade (2009-09-30)
U.S. Agencies Have Taken Some Steps, but Serious Impediments Remain to Restricting Trade in Burmese Rubies and Jadeite - GAO-09-1044T - Emergency Preparedness (2009-09-30)
Improved Planning and Coordination Necessary for Development of Integrated Public Alert and Warning System - GAO-09-399 - Aviation Security (2009-09-30)
A National Strategy and Other Actions Would Strengthen TSA's Efforts to Secure Commercial Airport Perimeters and Access Controls