Department of Homeland Security Reports for April 2011
- GAO-11-461T - Aviation Security (2011-04-06)
TSA Is Taking Steps to Validate the Science Underlying Its Passenger Behavior Detection Program, but Efforts May Not Be Comprehensive - GAO-11-383 - Catastrophic Planning (2011-04-08)
States Participating in FEMA's Pilot Program Made Progress, but Better Guidance Could Enhance Future Pilot Programs - GAO-11-542R - Transportation Worker Identification Credential (2011-04-13)
Mailing Credentials to Applicants' Residences Would Not Be Consistent with DHS Policy - GAO-11-535T - Coast Guard (2011-04-13)
Observations on Acquisition Management and Efforts to Reassess the Deepwater Program - GAO-11-480 - Coast Guard (2011-04-13)
Opportunities Exist to Further Improve Acquisition Management Capabilities - GAO-11-522T - Employment Verification (2011-04-14)
Agencies Have Improved E-Verify, but Significant Challenges Remain - GAO-11-411 - Overstay Enforcement (2011-04-15)
Additional Mechanisms for Collecting, Assessing, and Sharing Data Could Strengthen DHS's Efforts but Would Have Costs - GAO-11-573T - Southwest Border (2011-04-15)
Border Patrol Operations on Federal Lands - GAO-11-397R - Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (2011-04-18)
Update on Federal Financial Risks and Claims Processing - GAO-11-402R - Multiple U.S. Agencies Provided Billions of Dollars to Train and Equip Foreign Police Forces (2011-04-27)