Department of Housing and Urban Development Reports for December 1979
- B-196559 - National Endowment for the Arts and Use of Appropriated Funds] (1979-12-03)
- CED-80-19 - Millions of Dollars for Rehabilitating Housing Can Be Used More Effectively (1979-12-07)
- ID-80-3 - Flexibility--Key To Administering Fulbright-Hays Exchange Program (1979-12-10)
- 111024 - Making Accounting Serve Government Better--A Challenge to the Accounting Profession] (1979-12-10)
- CED-80-31 - HUD Should Improve Its Management of Acquired, Formerly Subsidized Multifamily Projects (1979-12-19)
- PAD-80-34 - Spending Patterns of the Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government (1979-12-20)