Department of Housing and Urban Development Reports for July 1996
- T-RCED-96-212 - Public Housing (1996-07-08)
HUD's Takeover of the Housing Authority of New Orleans - T-RCED-96-231 - Multifamily Housing (1996-07-26)
Issues Facing the Congress in Assessing HUD's Portfolio Reengineering Proposal - GGD-96-157R - FNMA and FHLMC Rates of Return (1996-07-29)
- T-RCED-96-232 - Multifamily Housing (1996-07-30)
HUD's Portfolio Reengineering Proposal: Cost and Management Issues - T-GGD-96-173 - Housing Enterprises (1996-07-31)
Assessment of OFHEO's Interest Rate Analysis