Department of Housing and Urban Development Reports for April 1999
- HEHS-99-53 - Homeless Veterans (1999-04-01)
VA Expands Partnerships, but Homeless Program Effectiveness Is Unclear - GGD-99-50 - District of Columbia (1999-04-09)
Private Use of Official Vehicles - RCED-99-86 - Environmental Protection (1999-04-09)
Agencies Have Made Progress in Implementing the Federal Brownfield Partnership Initiative - RCED-99-72 - Single-Family Housing (1999-04-16)
Weaknesses in HUD's Oversight of the FHA Appraisal Process - RCED-99-98 - Community Development (1999-04-27)
Weak Management Controls Compromise Integrity of Four HUD Grant Programs - T-RCED-99-175 - Community Development (1999-04-29)
Weak Management Controls Compromise Integrity of Four HUD Grant Programs - RCED-99-87 - Community Development (1999-04-30)
Extent of Federal Influence on 'Urban Sprawl' Is Unclear