Department of Justice Reports for April 1973
- B-171019 - Corrections and Pretrial Diversion Projects Funded by Grants From LEAA (1973-04-04)
- B-171019 - Information on Funding of Correctional Projects (1973-04-04)
- B-114826 - Examination of Financial Statements of Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Fiscal Year 1972 (1973-04-10)
- 093847 - Status of Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Fiscal Year 1970 Block Grant Funds and Cash Management Procedures (1973-04-24)
- B-171019 - Costs of Redecorating the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration's Headquarters Office, Washington, D.C. (1973-04-26)
- B-171019 - Renovation Costs at the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (1973-04-26)